What kind of plants can I plant in my yard?
Before this question can be answered, other things must be considered! Where are you going to plant it – south, west, east or north exposure; near a reflected heat source like a west-facing wall? Will it be exposed to strong, drying winds, either hot or cold? Will it be subjected to lawn water or sprinkler overspray? Understand the sun, shade, and water requirements of your plant selection before you plant it! Browse your local nursery or garden center and read the signs. Ask a sales associate for specific information if you’re not sure, and ask for any literature that may be available. With this information, you’ll be able to pick plants that will complement your landscape and more importantly will stand a greater chance of survival.
Can I use wood ash in my garden?
Use wood ash in moderation. A little may not hurt, but too much can injure your garden for years. Remember, soils in Arizona tend to be alkaline, and adding wood ash will make your soil even more so. You are probably better off disposing ashes when it is safe to do so.
Can I plant trees and shrubs in February?
February and March are the months to plant dormant trees, shrubs and small fruit berries, e.g. fruit trees, shade trees, roses, berries, and flowering shrubs. When buying "bare root" plants that simply means these plants can be moved without soil around the roots.
What month do I plant fall crops?
Plant fall crops like broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts in early August. Also seed a fall crop of beets, carrots, radish, turnips and onion sets.
When is a good time to plant evergreens?
November is a good time to plant evergreens. In the fall the ground does not dry out as fast, and it is easier to dig in the softer soil. Although evergreens keep their leaves, they are now going dormant and can easily be transplanted.
What types of roses are easy to care for?
If you want some roses that don’t take an awful lot of care consider the so called old or antique roses and the hardy shrub roses. These types don’t demand as much care as the hybrid tea roses.
When is it time to thin fruit?
Many ask about the thinning of fruit. We suggest you wait until the natural fruit drop in June and then thin to about two inches apart for peaches and plums. Apples tend to grow in clusters, so leave one apple per cluster or the branches might break.
What should I plant in the spring?
April is a good time to plant flower gardens, ornamentals, herbs, and vegetables. True it will still freeze thru the month of April and May, especially if you live in low lying areas. Check with your nursery before choosing what to plant. It is not too late for bare root trees and roses.
How do I get rid of grasshoppers?
Grasshoppers as well as crickets can be nipped in the nymph stage during July with a biological insecticide called NOLO grasshopper bait.
How do I water my plants?
Water deep and slow, instead of watering often and shallow. While you are at it, consider installing an irrigation system when you have nothing else to do during fall and early winter. It will pay off next year and give you more enjoyment in your garden.
How do I get my vegetable bed ready for winter?
In late October clean out vegetable beds before winter sets in. If frost threatens, pick all tomatoes and peppers. If tomatoes have started to turn, they will ripen indoors in a few weeks. Rototil in mulch and compost to get your garden beds really ready for spring growth.
How can I get rid of weeds in my garden?
The best and most ecological way to get rid of weeds is using elbow grease. Hoe, hoe, hoe! If you want to use chemical control, April is the time for an attack with the best product for your needs. Check with your local nursery for the best products that together will kill existing weeds and prevent new weeds from emerging.
When can I plant a berry bush?
March is a good time for planting berry bushes like raspberries, blueberries (they take acidic soil), blackberries, boysenberries, and black raspberries.
When do I prune?
Pruning can be done in November as soon as the leaves have fallen. Don’t wait too long. Before you know it, it’s spring and that’s when the sap starts to run again.
How do I get rid of mistletoe?
Junipers and pines may develop mistletoe. Either cut it out or use Florel (fruit drop) spray. Mistletoe is a very slow grower; some simply ignore the growth.
What is Xeriscape ™ ?
Xeriscape is a word coined in 1981 and drawn from the Greek xeri (meaning dry) and combined with scape (meaning vista). The word was never intended to refer only to non-irrigated or dry landscape, but how to landscape appropriately in dry regions. In other words, water conservation through creative landscaping. Xeriscape gives us an opportunity to live in harmony with our surroundings, improve the diversity of community aesthetics, reduce water consumption, improve soil condition and reduce soil, water, and air pollution.